Dealing with Reduncancy and allowing for early retirement

Client: A widow aged 58 recently made redundant

Category: Retirement Planning

Date: February 2020

The Client

Widow, recently accepted redundancy from work, age 58 and wanted to explore the option of early retirement.


The Challenge

She had previous experience of dealing with a financial adviser which was not positive. Needed convincing that financial advice and ongoing service would add value to her plans.


Our Approach

I described the Lifetime Cash Flow process to her which removes the transactional nature of standard financial adviser practice and turns it  into an objectively driven process focusing on outcomes.


Service Delivery

We engaged digitally with the client to gather all relevant financial information through a factfinding process, recording all income sources, outgoings, assets and liabilities and how these might change in retirement and most importantly, recording what the client wanted to achieve. In this instance, it was to retire now and also provide capital support to her children, buy a new car and take a ‘dream’ holiday later in the year. The whole process has taken two months so far and is ongoing.


The Outcome

The client became fully engaged in the process, valued the advice and gained absolute clarity about how her assets could deliver the retirement lifestyle she wanted whilst also being able to make generous gifts to her children.