Lifetime Cashflow and Retirement Planning
Client: Solicitor with 5 years to retirement
Category: Lifetime Cashflow & Retirement Planning
Date: December 2019
The Challenge Had a discretionary managed investment in a Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP). Ongoing costs were circa 2.67% per annum on a portfolio of £475,000. Additinoally, he had another personal pension of £175k invested in managed funds. The discretionary portfolio had very poor performance.Our Approach I described the Lifetime Cash Flow process to him and explained our investment proposition which focusses on delivering above average consistent returns whilst driving down the cost of managing these plans to reduce the drag on performance.Service Delivery We engaged digitally with the client to gather all relevant financial information through a factfinding process, recording all income sources, outgoings, assets and liabilities and how these might change in retirement and most importantly, recording what the client wanted to achieve. In this instance, it was to retire at 65 on an income level that would meet all of his monthly committed expenditure with sufficient surplus for several holidays each year. The whole process took three months to deliver. The Outcome